McCollough - Unis


Paid childcare available on Early Release Tuesdays

Paid childcare available on Early Release Tuesdays

With the start of Early Release Tuesdays next month (October 2023), the district is announcing a new childcare option for parents who need assistance afterschool.  Early Release Enrichment Club is a paid after school enrichment program for students in...

Early Release Survey

Early Release Survey

Please take the time to complete this survey asking about interest in school programs during the early release time.

Dearborn PTA Council picnic on Sunday

Dearborn PTA Council picnic on Sunday

Dearborn PTA Council is holding a back-to-school picnic on Sunday, Aug. 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Ford Field Park.  PTA members and their students are invited to this free event.See the picnic flyer.

Open House on Friday

Open House on Friday

Please join us for the McCollough-Unis Open House on Friday, August 25th from 1:30-3:00 pm. This is a good opportunity to meet your child's teacher.  Elementary parents, your child's schedules will be posted on the playground windows and 7th and 8th grade students...

District calendar approved

District calendar approved

The Dearborn Public Schools Board of Education voted on Monday night to approve the new  contract with the Dearborn Federation of Teachers, which also sets the district’s calendar for the year. The Aug. 21, 2023 vote approved the five-year contract, which also...

P-EBT Information for our schools

For important information for parents or guardians of students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch at Unis Middle School, please review the P-EBT flyers. McCollough and Unis have separate notices regarding P-EBT for families. Please review the letter for the school...

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