WE NEED YOUR HELP!As you may already know, Dearborn Public Schools is hosting a Dearborn FLL Spring Tournament for 36 FLL robotics teams from around the state on Saturday, May 12. The event will run from 8-5:30. (These times do not include early volunteer...
Preschool applications for the 2018-2019 school year will be available this Friday, April 13th from 8-10 just outside of the office. Your child must be 4 by December 1st. The application is not a guarantee into the program but to apply for a spot for their child.
The links below have the testing schedule for all grade levels that will be testing. The Unis Schedule features M-STEP Days. The McCollough Schedule feature M-STEP & NWEA testing days. Please review the calendars for your students. UNIS MSTEP testing schedule...
The calendar for next year has been uploaded to the Dearborn Public Schools website. Please take the time to read the press release that accompanies the new calendar: 21 District Cal 2018-19 Press Release Regarding School Calendar
City wide event on March 8 will showcase the best in local high school talent Talented high school students from across Dearborn will compete for top honors at the fifth annual “Dearborn’s Got Talent!” show on Thursday, March 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Ford Community...
January 29, 2018 by Mike Esseily Community members, please join us on February 7, 2018 at Dearborn High School for a free presentation hosted by Wayne State University that includes the early signs, symptoms and treatment options of mental health disorders such as...
An emergency financial situation has come up for one of our families here at McUnis. We are asking for your help. We will have a Spirit Week next week. For everyday they participate, they must donate at least $1. The schedule for our spirit week is: Monday- Hat day...