McCollough - Unis


Free Breakfast & Lunch Pickup for Students Starting Tomorrow

Starting tomorrow, Dearborn Public Schools will offer free pick up breakfast and lunch to all of our students at any of six school locations.  The grab-and-go meals will be available from 10 a.m. to noon at Fordson, Dearborn, and Edsel Ford high schools,...

Message from Mc/Unis regarding the school closure

Dear Parents,Please keep a look out for communication from your child’s teacher for the learning plan during this school closure. Teachers will be checking in and updating periodically. In an effort to keep your child’s learning ongoing, please continue to check...

Disrict Press Release Regarding Whitmore-Bolles School Closure

Whitmore-Bolles Elementary closed as precaution after potential COVID-19 exposure of staff member Dearborn Public Schools announced Wednesday evening that Whitmore Bolles Elementary School would be closed, at least temporarily, after a staff member came in contact...

Brainpop resources & CDC COVID-19 Info Sheets

Brainpop resources & CDC COVID-19 Info Sheets

Follow this link for a BrainPOP resource about how to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus: Please see the following resources shared by the CDC as a reminder to stop the spread of germs and...

Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the year

Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the year

I know you love teachers in our building. I encourage you to nominate at least one teacher that has changed the way you think this year! You can fill out a form online or pick one up. A link to an online nomination form can be found on the District's website...

D-SHINES Parent Survey

D-SHINES Parent Survey

D-SHINES have shared a  parent survey about their program. The survey is designed to gather physical activity and nutrition information as well as thoughts about the program from the community. We kindly ask that you share this survey link with parents at your school...

The Big Read for 2020

The Big Read for 2020

Kick-off March 7th Join in on the fun at our NEA Big Read-Dearborn kick-off event in the Anderson Theater at The Henry Ford, 20900 Oakwood Blvd. on Saturday, March 7, 2020, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free and open to the public. Free copies of Hope Jahren’s Lab Girl and free...

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