McCollough - Unis

Update to Incident on 4/4

April 5, 2023

Greetings McCollough/Unis Community,

In the spirit of keeping an open line of communications with our parents I would like to provide you with an update on the note found in our school containing inappropriate comments that were threatening in nature. This information was shared on our school blog yesterday evening. (Please see the April 4th post on the school blog).

Dearborn Police, along with school administration, spent time last night (April 4th) and much of today (April 5) talking with students and parents to gather further information about the note.  As determined by police, the comments did not pose any credible threat to the safety and security of the school.  However, because we take these types of messages seriously, out of an abundance of caution, there was an extra police presence today during arrival and dismissal times. This will continue on Thursday, April 6th as well. 

Again, it is important to emphasize that the school is safe. Dearborn Police will continue their efforts to identify the person responsible for writing the note and, if identified, all legal and disciplinary actions will be taken.  Please use this incident as an opportunity to talk to your child about the serious consequences of writing or posting threatening messages.  

School safety is vitally important to the success and well being of our students.  All of us here at McCollough/Unis take great pride in maintaining a school that is safe and welcoming for all. However we cannot do this alone. We need all of us, working together and maintaining an open line of communication, to make this possible.  Parents and students are encouraged to reach out to any of our administrators or other trusted adults at McCollough Unis if there are any questions or concerns. 

Have a safe evening, 

Chadi Farhat 


McCollough/ Unis School

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