The law requires the Dearborn Public Schools to provide parents or guardians a set of legal announcements containing information on laws pertaining to students and parents. All parents and guardians are encouraged to take a moment and review the document. The updated...
When student reports become available, these guides in English and Arabic will help with reading these reports: How_to_Read_Score_Report_Grades_3-8_ Arabic version 18 19 How_to_Read_Score_Report_Grades_3-8English _531963_7
McCollough class lists have been published and are available on the windows outside of the main elementary office. If you wish to see the class lists, stop by and check them out. Also, school starts on Monday, August 27th. It will be a half day for all students.
Due to changes in student passwords- the deadline for the summer learning requirements for Math and LA has been extended to Sept. 7th The following is an update on information about the passprhase change. All students have received a new passphrase on their 2018-2019...
The first day of school is just around the corner! Please refer to teacher blogs for supply lists for the 2018-2019 school year. Teachers will be publishing their class supply lists to their blogs this week.