The updated Remote Learning Plans for McCollough and Unis are available below. Elementary-Remote-Learning-PlansDownlo Middle School Remote Learning PlansDownload Some browsers/services are not allowing the Middle School file to be downloaded. Here is a shareable link...
The following documents can help you support your children during this uncertain time. Stay safe, Aviators! Helping-children-cope-with-stress-during-the-2019-nCOV-outbreak-2Download COVID-19_parent_handout_NASP_NASN_2-20_FINAL-2Download
Please click this link for a technology survey for parents of McCollough students:
Starting tomorrow, Dearborn Public Schools will offer free pick up breakfast and lunch to all of our students at any of six school locations. The grab-and-go meals will be available from 10 a.m. to noon at Fordson, Dearborn, and Edsel Ford high schools,...
Greetings Dearborn Public Schools Community, We have been working on a plan to serve meals to students now that schools are closed for several weeks in response to the International COVID 19 Crisis. We plan to have a modified grab and go breakfast and then lunch...