Open House will be held for McCollough-Unis tomorrow, Wednesday, September 8th from 6-7:30pm. As a reminder, masks are mandatory for all visitors once they enter the building.
The link provides a flyer with the registration information. The program is free and will take place over Zoom presented by LAHC Fitness-Cooking-LAHC-Sept.2021Download
Please review this letter regarding the new school year. We look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of school! Opening-Day-Parent-Letter-2021.docDownload
The following documents feature information on Kindergarten "Soft Start". All kindergarten students will attend half days from August 30-September 10th. Kindergarten-Soft-Start-2021-22Download Kindergarten-Soft-Start-20201-2022-ArabicDownload
For updates on back to school in Dearborn, there is a website available that will be updated regularly. Please note, all COVID related rules and procedures are subject to change as conditions and requirements continue to evolve Relaunching August 2021
Dearborn Public Schools is again taking applications for its Great Start Readiness Program for this fall after recently receiving permission from the state to expand the free preschool program. GSRP is a state-funded preschool program students can participate in at no...