Code of Conducts regarding Dearborn Public School's policy on weapons and Concussion Forms were sent home today. It is expected that all students and parents discuss the content of the Code of Conduct together and both sign the forms. Parents should also sign the...
Tomorrow is Late Start!
School starts an hour later tomorrow, Wednesday, September 10th. Unis will begin at 9:00 and McCollough's day starts at 9:05. Please view our late start page for future dates.
Dearborn Public Schools Policy Update
Please read the following letter that describes Dearborn Public School's policy on weapons within our schools. The policy outlines what is considered a weapon and the consequences for weapon possession on school property, on school buses, or on the way to or from...
Welcome Back!
The big day is upon us! School resumes tomorrow, Tuesday, September 2nd. We are looking forward to saying hello and welcome to all of our new and returning students. Staff will be greeting students at school doors. Doors will be open to the school at 7:50. Just a...
Unis Schedule Pickup
7th and 8th Grade 7th and 8th grade students need to report on Monday, August 25th at the following times to pick up schedules. 7th Grade - 10:30 AM 8th Grade - 11:30 AM 6th Grade 6th grade orientation will be held on Thursday, August 21st from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM....
McU Summer Learn Course Reminders
Have you been remembering to complete your Summer Learn Course? Do you need a little extra help? Keep reading for some extra information! McU Summer Learn course continues throughout the summer. All incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders should be working on this course...
McU Begins Digital Summer Learn Course!
McU Summer Learn! McCollough-Unis students received information today about our new summer learning course through Dearborn Schools' online learning classroom called iLearn. All incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will complete this course over the summer and the...
The Write Stuff
McCollough-Unis Journalism students have started a website to showcase their writing skills. Journalism teacher, April Kincaid, says that the page was designed to highlight the phenomenal writing of the journalism students. McU Journalism students currently hold the...
Dearborn’s Got Talent! May 13th at 6:30pm
City wide event will showcase only the best high school talent in town! Talented high school students from across Dearborn will compete for top honors at the first-ever “Dearborn’s Got Talent!” show on Tuesday, May 13, at 6:30 p.m. at the Ford Community &...
Spring Break!
Enjoy Spring Break and we'll see you on Monday, April 28th!