McCollough - Unis


Hour of Code

Hour of Code

Mrs. Simmons will be hosting an hour of code tomorrow from 3-4 in the McCollough-Unis Media Center. 7th and 8th graders are welcome to attend. To learn more about the hour of code, read the information below: The Hour of Code is here and bigger than ever! All this...

McCollough & Unis Picture Retake Day

McCollough & Unis Picture Retake Day

Lifetouch will be back at McUnis for pictures this week. McCollough students will be taking pictures from 8:30-10:30 and Unis student photos will begin at 10:30.

Power Outage Warming Shelter at McCollough-Unis

For Dearborn residents living in the area affected by the power outage caused by the fire of the DTE substation, the American Red Cross, with support from the City of Dearborn, will be operating a warming shelter at McCollough-Unis School.  This space is open to...

Are your children safe while online? Michigan families, especially minors, are becoming inundated with advertisements from alcohol, tobacco, pornography and gambling marketers through different internet and cell phone inboxes. Texting their advertisements is the...

Khan Academy Contest

Middle schoolers, spend your time over Thanksgiving Break on Khan Academy and earn raffle tickets for great rewards!0

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