McCollough - Unis


COVID-19 Notification Letter

COVID-19 Identification Notice

There has been an identified case of COVID-19 at McCollough-Unis. Please review the informational document in this post. Covid-19-Case-Identification-Download

COVID-19 Notification Letter

COVID Identification Notice

There was an identification of a case of COVID-19 at McCollough-Unis. Please review the documentation below for information. An English and Arabic version are available in the document. Covid-19-Case-Identification-1Download

Parent Survey

Dear Parent/Guardian,  McCollough Unis is using this Parent Survey as a means to elicit your beliefs and opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective. Your opinion is important to us, and we ask that you...

Congrats to our Swim Team: City Champs!

Congrats to our Swim Team: City Champs!

Congratulations to the Boy's Swim Team and Coach Bartley on their City Champs win! The team includes: Jad Jomaa Malek Khalil Jad Mezher Ahmed Musa Ahmed Musleh Mohamed Musleh Malek Qasim Ali Saleh Mohamed Shawish Abdullah Talib Kareem Abusenenh Saad AlGhanem Saadi...

Facebook Live Event: Secondary Options in Dearborn

Facebook Live Event: Secondary Options in Dearborn

March 10th @ 6:30pm on the Dearborn Schools Facebook Page and You Tube Channel On March 10th, at 6:30pm, we will be hosting a live Facebook event to highlight secondary options.  Typically, a team goes to every middle school to speak to students and parents.  However,...

Deadline for Virtual Learning Program

The deadline for parents to opt into the middle school virtual learning program is Wednesday, February 24th.  Please email Mr. Farhat at if you are interested. 

McCollough-Unis Reopening Documents

Please see this packet for detailed information about the building reopening plan. It includes daily schedules for McCollough and Unis, entrance, and lunch information: McUnis Reopening PlanDownload

Mobile Food Pantry Today

Mobile Food Pantry Today

There will be Mobile Food Pantry today at 11:30am. It will be held at River Oaks Elementary (27055 Ann Arbor Trail, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127). The School Food Mobile Program provides food to the first 100 families.

Unis Recruitment Event for ACCESS 21st Century

For students to be a part of this recruitment event, parents/guardians must fill out the virtual registration form by January 7th, 2021.  If you can, please send this flyer to all teachers grades 6-8, so that they may send this to their students’ families to...

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