McCollough - Unis

McU News

Nominations still open for Teacher of the Year Awards

Nominations still open for Teacher of the Year Awards

Nominations are still underway for the Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Awards. Students can nominate up to two Dearborn Public School teachers using the online nomination form. Five teachers will receive awards, including one from each category - preschool...

Nominations open for Teacher of the Year Awards

Nominations have now opened for the 2025 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Award.   This annual award is sponsored by the Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce and presented by LaFontaine Automotive Group. The nomination deadline is Friday,...

Academic Games Super Tournament

Academic Games Super Tournament

One of Unis' Academic Game teams placed 2nd in the Academic Games' super tournament. We also had 2 students place in the top 20 for the regular season. The team that placed 2nd today consisted of Caleb Nyberg, Ibraheem Alwadhan, Kareem Yassin, Ayham Alamry, and Marwan...

McUnis Winter Concert

The Aviator Winter Music Concert will be taking place tomorrow in the school gym. The elementary concert will be held at 1:15 and the middle school concert will be at 4:30. View our great student posters!Download

Book Fair

Book Fair

During the school day, the Scholastic Book Fair is being held in the media center this year. Come by and check it out!

UPDATE: Basketball Game Change for Thursday

The Boys' basketball game will take place at Lowrey on Thursday, December 12th do to a building malfunction. Please join us in cheering on the boys at the away game at Lowrey! Please note, no students will be allowed to attend the game at Lowrey without their parents

Tech Fall Academy Wrestling

Tech Fall Academy Wrestling

If you have a student who is between the ages of 6 and 13, there is Youth Wrestling Club that will be starting in December. The following flyer has the details for registration: Tech Fall Academy - WrestlingDownload

Volunteers sought for possible Book Reconsideration committees

As it does annually now, Dearborn Public Schools is taking applications from parents, staff, community members and high school students interested in serving on a Book Reconsideration Committee. Those volunteering to serve on a committee are agreeing to read a school...

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