McCollough - Unis

Alyssa Razgunas

Unis Basketball Tryouts and Physical Form

Tryouts for the boys' basketball team will be the week of 10/31. Students can register for tryouts using the QR code on the poster. All students must have their physical from completed to try out. Basketball-Poster-1Download...

School Update

A faulty smoke detector is responsible for the fire alarm at McUnis. All students are outside the school and safe.

Special Needs Fun Fair on Saturday

Special Needs Fun Fair on Saturday

There will be a fun fair for students with special needs on Saturday at Ford Field Park Pavilion. Please see flyer for registration information. Screen-Shot-2022-09-01-at-3.42.36-PM

Friday Fun Day In the Park

Friday Fun Day In the Park

The Dearborn Police and the Parks Department will be hosting a fun day at the park on Friday. Please see the flyer below for more information. Flyer-DPD-Fun-Day-1Download

REMINDER: 6th Grade Orientation on Monday, August 22nd!

This is a reminder about the upcoming 6th grade orientation on Monday, August 22. All incoming 6th graders should plan to attend. Students can enter the building at 9:00 and will be dismissed at 12:00. The orientation will include schedule pick up, locker help, a...

6th Grade Orientation

6th Grade Orientation

This is a reminder about the upcoming 6th grade orientation on Monday, August 22. All incoming 6th graders should plan to attend. Students can enter the building at 9:00 and will be dismissed at 12:00. The orientation will include schedule pick up, locker help, a...

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