McCollough - Unis

Alyssa Razgunas

VIP Committee

The district is looking for community members to join our VIP committee. Please see this letter for more information. The deadline to apply is Friday, December 10th. VIP-Committee-Invite-Letter-2021-Ext-DeadlineDownload

Battle Against Hunger Food Drive

Battle Against Hunger Food Drive

McCollough-Unis will be participating in the Battle Against Hunger canned food drive once again.  We will be collecting canned food items during the week of November 15 to November 19.   Fordson, Dearborn High, and Edsel Ford work together to plan this food collection...

We’re looking for crossing guards!

We’re looking for crossing guards!

Please see this informational flyer about becoming a crossing guard with the city of Dearborn and the Dearborn police department. Crossing-guard-flyer-2021Download

Apply to be a Substitute: New Pay Rates

The new substitute rates that are effective today, 9/20/21. Please see the changes below. EDUStaff will be updating their system to reflect the change on Thursday so as not to disrupt their payroll.   Parapro Sub Rate: $9.65/hour changing...

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