All students in kindergarten to 8th grade are invited to participate in the district enrichment program this summer. The program runs 6/23-7/25. Elementary student hours are 8-4 and Middle School student hours are 8:45-4:45. The registration deadline is March 20th. If...
Alyssa Razgunas

Ramadan Iftar Fundraiser next Tuesday
Elementary students were given flyers with RSVP portion by their teachers. Middle Schoolers can get a form from the office, however, middle schoolers who are attending with elementary students do not need to RSVP individually. Forms are due to classroom teachers in...
Free iftar meals for students who are fasting
For the first time, Dearborn Public Schools will provide free iftar meals for students to take home during Ramadan next month. Middle and high school students fasting can pick up a to-go meal during school hours. However, they cannot eat at school and take a meal...

Middle School Parent Teacher Conferences Reminder
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held this afternoon from 2 to 5pm. See you then!

Academic Games Super Tournament
One of Unis' Academic Game teams placed 2nd in the Academic Games' super tournament. We also had 2 students place in the top 20 for the regular season. The team that placed 2nd today consisted of Caleb Nyberg, Ibraheem Alwadhan, Kareem Yassin, Ayham Alamry, and Marwan...
McUnis Winter Concert
The Aviator Winter Music Concert will be taking place tomorrow in the school gym. The elementary concert will be held at 1:15 and the middle school concert will be at 4:30. View our great student posters!Download

Book Fair
During the school day, the Scholastic Book Fair is being held in the media center this year. Come by and check it out!

Unis Picture Retakes Tomorrow
Any students who missed picture day or need a retake will be called for photos tomorrow during the day.
UPDATE: Basketball Game Change for Thursday
The Boys' basketball game will take place at Lowrey on Thursday, December 12th do to a building malfunction. Please join us in cheering on the boys at the away game at Lowrey! Please note, no students will be allowed to attend the game at Lowrey without their parents
Unis Basketball Tryout Registration
Please review the flyer to register for Boys' Basketball try outs. Basketball PosterDownload