McCollough - Unis

Katie Hetrick

STEM Middle School enrollment procedure

Later this spring, STEM Middle School will start its process of selecting sixth grade students for the 2025-26 school year. STEM is a National Blue Ribbon School and a magnet middle school for academically gifted students within the district. The program follows the...

Nominations still open for Teacher of the Year Awards

Nominations still open for Teacher of the Year Awards

Nominations are still underway for the Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Awards. Students can nominate up to two Dearborn Public School teachers using the online nomination form. Five teachers will receive awards, including one from each category - preschool...

Nominations open for Teacher of the Year Awards

Nominations have now opened for the 2025 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Award.   This annual award is sponsored by the Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce and presented by LaFontaine Automotive Group. The nomination deadline is Friday,...

Volunteers sought for possible Book Reconsideration committees

As it does annually now, Dearborn Public Schools is taking applications from parents, staff, community members and high school students interested in serving on a Book Reconsideration Committee. Those volunteering to serve on a committee are agreeing to read a school...

Kids Club childcare coming to McUnis

Kids Club childcare coming to McUnis

Looking for before or after school childcare? Kids Club is coming to McCollough-Unis starting on Oct. 7. The program offers before or after school care for children ages 5 to 13. Each session before or after school costs $12. Michigan Department of Human Services...

Spots still available for free preschool program at McUnis

Spots still available for free preschool program at McUnis

Spots are still available at select district locations for the free Great Start Readiness Program preschool. Openings are available at Oakman, McCollough, Henry Ford, Salina and Cotter Early Childhood Center.  An enrollment event is scheduled for Aug. 27 at...

Kindergarten soft start canceled

Kindergarten parents - please be aware the district is canceling soft start for August 2024 due to calendar concerns.  Kindergarten students, including Young 5s, now will follow the same schedule as other elementary students including a half day on Monday, Aug....

Enrollment for free preschool starts Friday (April 19)

Dearborn Public Schools’ Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) will start distributing applications on Friday, April 19, 2024 for the 2024-25 school year. Dearborn Public Schools is strongly encouraging all families who live in the district and have a child the right...

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