McCollough-Unis will be participating in the Battle Against Hunger canned food drive once again. We will be collecting canned food items during the week of November 15 to November 19.
Fordson, Dearborn High, and Edsel Ford work together to plan this food collection drive across the high schools, but in recent years, it has been opened up to all schools in the Dearborn district. The total we collect will count towards the total for our feeder school, Fordson. Collected food will be donated to Zaman International, which will be providing boxes to our school. Cash donations will be collected for the Amity Foundation and Gleaners.
Elementary classrooms and middle school first hour classrooms will be competing to collect the most cans. The classroom with the highest total (one for elementary and one for middle) will be rewarded with a pizza party.
Please visit this link if you prefer to donate cash: https://donate.dearbornschools.org/product/annual-dearborn-schools-battle-against-hunger/.