Attention all McU Aviators! Come join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays for McU After School Activity Club. This will consist of a healthy snack, a little nutrition lesson, a couple of fun games, and a walking club. We will get busy right at 3:00 in room 234 and end promptly at 4:30. Be dressed for activity. Tuesdays will be for grades kindergarten to 4th grade. Thursdays will be for 5th through 8th graders. Elementary students can get their permission slips from their classroom teachers. Middle Schoolers: you will pick up the permission slip in the office or from the p. e. department. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Barker. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLERS START TODAY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLERS START THIS THURSDAY!
Please see the McUAfterSchoolActivityClub Flyer for more information.