McCollough - Unis

Final Spelling Bee on Friday!

Congrats to all of our Spelling Bee participants last week. We were excited to have the followong students join us:

Ismail Diallo, Dasani Dixon, Kawsar Fazal, Leah Rustom, Dann Taha, Injy Wasfy, Adam Abduljabbar, Alaa Darwiche, Youseph Jadallah, Adam Marhaba, Mansour Ahmed, Shams Sami, Nisreen Abdulameer, Mohamman Alhameed, Abrar Ahmed, Hamza Alyasary, Jawad Anani. Ali Ghoul, Hassan Jaghbir, Aymen Obaid, Zaid Omari, Dyaa Rouchdy, Hadeel Saleem, Mohmed Saleh, Afnan Taha, and Shelan Talib.

Additional congratulations to our qualifiers who will compete this Friday for the finals:

6th Grade: Dasani Dixon, Ismail Diallo, Dann Taha

7th Grade: Adam Abduljabbar, Shams Sami, Alaa Darwiche

8th Grade: Ali Ghoul, Mohmed Saleh, Abrar Ahmed

Come join us at 1:00 on Friday to support our spellers!

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