McCollough - Unis

McCollough-Unis Spelling Bee

Unis Middle School has officially registered with Scripps National Spelling Bee and will have the opportunity to advance one school champion to the local WXYZ-Scripps Spelling Bee and, depending on his/her performance, the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C.
Unis Spelling Bee Qualifier (open to all students):  Thursday, January 18 at 4:00.
The Official Unis Spelling Bee (top 3 spellers from each grade): Friday, January 26 at 1:00.
Both spelling bees will be held in the McCollough Unis gym and audience members are welcome. Come support our Unis Spellers!  For 6th-8th graders, please see this document: Spelling Bee Information


4th & 5th graders should be getting ready for their classroom qualifiers.

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