McCollough - Unis

NWEA Online Practice with Khan Academy

Khan Academy has developed an online prototype called MAP Recommended Practice.  Khan Academy is testing this new functionality which allows teachers to enter their students’ NWEA MAP Test scores (students may also enter their own scores) in order for the student to receive a customized playlist of math skills, based on their test results. While this functionality is new to the Khan Academy site, the skills playlists have been developed over several years in close collaboration with NWEA. Until now, these recommended playlists have been made available to teachers via a pdf download from NWEA’s website. This prototype attempts to streamline and facilitate that process for teachers. To give Khan’s resource a try, click here.

Click on the link above. The student will need to know the individal scores and then Khan gives them the practice skills to work on. It saves it after each time the student logs in.

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