McCollough - Unis

McU Bots Success!

Dear McUnis Family,

On Saturday, December 3, the McCollough/Unis Robotics Team (also known as the McU-Bots) competed in the 2016-17 FTC Qualifier in Howell, Michigan. We competed against 36 teams and placed in 5th place (thanks to the support of our alliances during the competition).   With only six weeks to build, program, and learn more about robotics basics, we were up for challenge! Our dreams became a reality this Saturday, because of the hard work and dedication of the team, and the support of our principal (Mr. Farhat), district, parents, sponsors, and the community. Our journey this far was acknowledged by another FTC team (the Clarkston Clew).  They gave us  the Emmet Award (based on the main character from the LEGO Movie).  The team gave us the award because, “We are ordinary people, doing extraordinary things.”  Once again, thanks for all of your support.


Coach Simmons





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