McCollough - Unis

Hour of Code

Mrs. Simmons will be hosting an hour of code tomorrow from 3-4 in the McCollough-Unis Media Center. 7th and 8th graders are welcome to attend. To learn more about the hour of code, read the information below:

The Hour of Code is here and bigger than ever! All this week, 191,000 organizers like you are leading schools and events worldwide.

Learn to code with Minecraft, Star Wars, or another fun, one-hour tutorial. There are 50 options for every age, experience-level, and device. Choose your Hour of Code activity here.

Enjoy this short video to celebrate global participation

Start your Hour of Code with this video, or one of these.


Experience the #HourOfCode on social media

Browse this live feed of Hour of Code action, and share your own stories with #HourOfCode to celebrate with learners around the world (Psst… look out for a very special emoji when you post #HourOfCode on Twitter). will even highlight some of our favorite posts, so get creative.

I’d like to personally thank every organizer for bringing the Hour of Code to your communities. You are an inspiration to all of us at Thank you for your support, and for all you do for the children of our world.

We hope your students have an amazing time!

Start the Hour of Code

Hadi Partovi and the team

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